Interactive IML Transforms a Package into Intelligent Packaging, Adding Value to All Stages of the Packaging Journey.

Digimarc Barcode is an invisible element of packaging artwork placed throughout an In-Mold Label (IML). It helps brands promote direct customer communication, implement product transparency initiatives, easier checkout and self-checkout, improved inventory management as well as supply chain efficiencies. Consumers can intuitively scan different areas of a package label to experience a wide range of […]

Digimarc-Enhanced In-Mold Labeling (IML) Delivers “Superpowers” for Brand Owners and Retailers.

Digimarc Barcode is an invisible element of packaging artwork. Digimarc-enhanced packaging delivers more reliable and efficient scanning by shoppers with smart phones to provide a wide range of brand content, such as how-to videos, promotion of related products, along with augmented reality experiences. CMG Plastics partners with In-Mold Labeling (IML) supplier Verstraete in the production […]

Sometimes the Biggest Innovations are the Ones that Can’t be Seen

How Digimarc-enhanced IML connects consumers to a wide world of brand experiences. Many of the consumer brands we work with use In-Mold Labeling (IML) to build visual excitement on the retail shelf and create brand excitement with consumers. Typography, illustrations and photography used in this offset printing technique deliver high-resolution images on all the sides […]

Facing the Challenge: Sustainability vs. the Bottom Line in Packaging

CMG Plastics Sustainability vs. the Bottom Line Header Image

How CMG Plastics is working to strike the right balance for everyone. We are often asked by our customers what is the “right balance” between sustainability and the bottom line, and our response can frequently be, “It depends.” Now, while that may sound rather evasive, it’s actually our way of starting a conversation that results […]

CMG Tackles the Classic Conflict: Cost vs. Design

Finding Solutions That Work for Everyone When customers come to us for help with a packaging solution, we do everything possible to look at all the angles before making any recommendations. We try to consider all of the available enhancements, options, and alternatives that could impact the design and more importantly the manufacturability of the […]

CMG Plastics Automation Solution Eliminates Rejects, Increases Run Rates

CMG, a premier custom plastic and molding company, recently won the production of a spice mold closure for a client whose previous supplier was experiencing quality issues and meeting production demand. Our custom designed automation process eliminated labor-intensive manual operations, reduced operator supervision by 75%, significantly increased manufacturing speed and guaranteed on-time shipments, while virtually […]

CMG In-Mold Label Capabilities is Helping to Revitalize Dairy Aisle Brands

In-Mold Labeling - CMG Plastics

The commodity look of packaging for dairy products is about to end thanks to our in-mold labeling capabilities. The process creates packaging that is unique and eye catching. Operating from our U.S. and Canadian facilities, we’re creating dynamic packaging looks for a variety of dairy products, including several ricotta cheese cups for premium brands. The […]