CMG Plastics News

Why the word ‘YES’ can be your worst enemy.

Hearing that word can create peace of mind or make you cautiously nervous.

The difference? It lies in the relationship and the person who says the word. Is it one of honesty and transparency? Or perhaps, something else?

So, when does ‘No problem’ (today’s substitute phrase for ‘yes’) lead to problems?

Consider these scenarios:
  1. Your business is booming, so much so that your packaging supplier can’t keep up with the demand.
  2. Getting the packaging you need is on a hit or miss basis because of your manufacturer’s supply chain problems.
  3. Unexpected price swings for resin materials make it difficult for you to maintain your margins.

Here at CMG Plastics, we believe the best way to avoid ‘YES’ problems involves the three P’s: Planning, Partnership and Persistence

PLANNING: We like to be proactive in our discussions with clients and believe that your packaging needs should be met before they become needs. Working with supply chain partners to anticipating demand and then sourcing materials to avoid delays and increase inventories that outpace demand whenever possible is one of the best ways to turn ‘YES’ into “SUCCESS.”

PARTNERSHIP: It’s all comes down to communicating. Early and often. At every stage of an order. Up and down the line. Being realistic and reasonable. With every stakeholder, customers, and supply chain partners alike. It’s easy to stay in touch when things are going well. And an absolute necessity during challenging times like we’ve all experienced over the last eighteen months. Communicate. That’s how partnerships grow into valued, long-term relationships.

PERSISTENCE: This third ‘P’ powers the first one and strengthens the second. While planning may be is its own reward when it comes to manufacturing packaging that meets a customer’s needs, it’s persistence that makes serving those needs possible and sustainable from order to order and year to year. As for partnerships, when you take all those admirable traits I’ve outlined and apply them consistently over time to the benefit of all, relationships grow deeper, and more rewarding. And then, whenever you hear ‘YES’ it begins to sound more and more like a personal guarantee, not a wish or hope.

Yes, actions speak louder than words.

Here at CMG Plastics, we like saying ‘YES’ as much as we can. And if you like to hear how good it sounds, and see the ‘Three Ps’ in action, give us a call and let’s talk about getting to work serving your packaging needs.