CMG Plastics News

Sustainable Building Demands Sustainably Sourced Materials

Sustainable Building Demands Sustainably Sourced Materials Hero Image

When most people think about sustainable or green building, they tend to focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, indoor air quality, and water conservation.

According to a recent survey, however, about a quarter of builders and remodelers said one of the top three customer requests they receive involves products that conserve materials and resources.

More and more residential homeowners and commercial property owners want to know where and how building products were sourced and what materials they contain. Not only are people more aware of sustainable options, but many are willing to pay a premium for a property built with eco-friendly products and environmentally responsible processes.

In addition to consumer demand for healthier, eco-friendly structures, the US Green Building Council points to measurable economic benefits of sustainable building. Sustainable building can deliver:

  • Operational cost savings
  • Shorter payback periods
  • Asset value increases of 10 percent or more
  • More job opportunities

This completes the “triple bottom line” of people, planet, and profit, a phrase coined by John Elkington more than 25 years ago to encourage businesses to account for the social, environmental, and economic impact of their business practices and decisions.

CMG Plastics has been a pioneer in the development of sustainable construction products, including lightweight, durable sectional roof ridge vents and deck fasteners with post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic components.

As sustainable building with sustainable products continues to shift from just a trend to a business requirement, builders and contractors can create a competitive advantage by embracing a greener approach to construction.

We’re ready to help!

If you’d like to discuss how custom plastic products from CMG Plastics can support your sustainable building initiatives, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to helping you and will get back to you promptly.