CMG Plastics News

Consumers Want Sustainable Food Packaging. Are You Listening?

Food and packaging make up about 45 percent of all materials in U.S. landfills according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

CMG Plastics believes we as a society can do better, which is why we’ve invested heavily in manufacturing rigid plastic food packaging that not only meets high-quality standards but can also be made with post-consumer recycled plastic materials that support a circular economy and dramatically reduce environmental impact.

Plastic is not going anywhere because it delivers the quality and convenience that consumers demand. That does not mean plastic food packaging can’t be manufactured responsibly and recycled properly.

After all, sustainability is important to consumers, too. A study from IBM and the National Retail Federation found that nearly 70 percent of North American consumers believe it’s important for brands to be sustainable and will pay a premium for recycled products. More than half will change their shopping habits to protect the environment.

Consumers have made it clear that a quality product is no longer enough. They want to purchase brands that align with their values. They expect brands to demonstrate those values with action, not empty words.

At this point, there is no reason not to use packaging made from recycled materials that can be recycled again. The technology exists today to make rigid plastic containers that are safe, durable, resealable, reusable, and recyclable. Infrastructure for sorting and processing products to keep them out of landfills is being improved.
The capability to create sustainable food packaging is right here. What’s often missing is the willingness to change. We hope food brands will join us in embracing the sustainability movement.

We’re ready to help!

Let’s discuss the options for creating high-quality, sustainable food packaging to your specifications. We look forward to helping you and will get back to you.